Our Top Tips for Decluttering Your Home (and Saving Your Sanity!)

Stop for a minute to think about how incredible it would be to see your entire home picked up, with all of the surfaces cleared off and sparkling clean.  You might be thinking, “Everything in its place…is that even possible?”  We are here to say that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.  It just may take a few dedicated “decluttering sessions”.


(Of course, if there are so many items you aren’t sure where to start, you may have a bigger organizing project on your hands than a simple decluttering can fix!  Don’t get hung up because you are completely overwhelmed.  Contact us at Styled & Organized, and we will help tackle your issues and achieve your goals!)


If your home just needs some organizational maintenance…here are some of our top tips for getting it back to its neat and tidy state.


  1. Break the work up into several 30 minute sessions.  Set a timer for 30 minutes, and tackle one space at a time.  When the timer goes off, you can pat yourself on the back for each accomplishment.  This will motivate you to keep going until you have completed your whole home.
  2. Find a home for each item in the space where you use it.  For example, if you are constantly going to look for a screwdriver out in the garage for small household tasks, you should find a place to keep a small screwdriver in your kitchen catch-all drawer.
  3. If you like to keep papers on a countertop/desktop, use a tray to give them a home.  When the papers reach the top of the tray, it is time to edit.
  4. Commercial packaging creates visual clutter.  When you buy new paper towels, juice boxes, etc, take them out of the packaging and store in a basket on a shelf.  Neatly line up paper towels on a shelf.
  5. Individual drawer organizers in multiple shapes and sizes will instantly declutter a make-up, office or catch-all drawer.
  6. Make your bed every day.  It’s the largest item in your bedroom.  Having it made frees up physical and visual space creating a more peaceful environment, and instantly making your bedroom look presentable.
  7. Take 30 minutes every night to put clutter away in its proper home.  This could include doing all of those little chores such as  emptying the dishwasher or folding the laundry.  No one wants to get up in the morning and finish these tasks before work and school.


Now with everything back in its place you can finally sit down, prop your feet up and relax!  Your stress levels will go down, and you will be able to find things when you need them again!  Great job!
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