What is Your Terrible Awful Clutter Secret?

What is your Terrible Awful?  You know, like in The Help, your Terrible Awful you can’t name or speak of to anyone.  It’s your hidden, little hoarding, clutter mess, secret in some area of your home you hope no one ever sees.  If you’ve become Clutter Blind, let me help refresh your memory. . . .


Beside your bed
Next to your favorite chair
In the kitchen sink (& piled beside the sink)
Inside your playroom…. your craft room
Or, are you a Closet Slob?


Stop walking past the clutter mess, take off your Clutter Blinders & acknowledge that the space needs a wee bit of attention.  Yes, it’s super hard!  You have to admit you’ve been neglecting the space & ultimately yourself.  It’s like wearing an amazing outfit everyday but never combing or washing your hair.  Um, that’s yucky.


Tricks to conquering your Terrible Awful

Trust the process: Sort, Edit & Organize  

How can you edit before you know exactly how many flashlights you really have & which ones work?  How can you organize before you edit?  You’ll be re-organizing to fit in the ones you missed.


Set time limits on each step

Try 1 HR.  Focus, focus, focus on the task at hand for the whole hour.  Take a break.  Keep setting the timer until the step is complete.


Like with Like

Both sorting & organizing work best when you put like with like.  Sort macro then move down to micro i.e. dental care from eye care then toothbrushes vs dental floss and glasses vs contacts.  Create an organized space the same way grouping like with like i.e. all eye care together then glasses vs contacts


Let It Go  

When editing, sing this song and let go of the things that no longer fit in your life…or never did. I know you paid a lot for it or your mother gave it to you or it was passed down to you or you made it with your very own hands. You’re afraid you’ll forget the story if you don’t have it.  You can’t keep everything!  Keep only the most amazing pieces that warm your spirit.  Keep nothing that weighs you down & stagnates your positive energy.


Find full self-awareness about your Terrible Awful.  It’s the secret to a Stylishly Organized Life.


Look for our upcoming 15 Minute Challenge posts to help with your bedside, favorite chair and kitchen sink areas. We know you can overcome your Terrible Awful.
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