Stage Your Home for Guests


Come this weekend, chestnuts will be roasting on the fire, bellies will still be full from Thanksgiving leftovers, bundles of packages will be wrapped under the tree & everyone will be tired.  It’s that time of year!  So much fun, celebrating, catching up & running around.  Family & friends will be descending on our homes for a meal, gathering or even overnight.


Are you ready?


There’s an easy way to make sure your guests feel comfortable & can find what they need in your home….by stepping into their shoes or if they are staying the night, their bed.  It’s true.  When you spend a night in your guest accommodations, whatever they may be, you will quickly discover ...
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Fabulous Kitchen Remodel Walkthrough

If your kitchen, closet, linen closet, or laundry room make you grumpy or cause lots of sighs, then how can you be a superstar?  Having a space in your home work for you instead of against you is like finally finding the right car, a wonderful work team, a marvelous masseuse or smashing shoes that don’t hurt.  It makes your life so much easier & you feel empowered.  It’s like walking on air.


Last year, I came up with a new design for my mom’s kitchen. She had been waiting since my parents purchased the house 40 years ago to redo it.  Now, we finally had a design(see bulleted list below)
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One Word To Get You Organized

Are you drifting thru life waiting for the next crisis to tackle?  Does your work schedule control you?  Does the day control you?    Do you wish you were ahead of the daily game?  Do you long to control the day & make it yours?  I have the secret for you!


It’s really simple.  It’s one word.  When I tell you, you’ll smack your forehead while saying, “of course!”  I’ve written about & promoted it a lot over the last 10 years.  You have to promise to be open-minded.  You have to be committed to trying it for 2 weeks.  And you have to be nice to this little word that gets a bad wrap.  Here, I’ll whisper it so ...

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5 Ways to Get Out the Door…On Time

Nothing is harder than getting up every day to the same frantic routine after a bad night’s sleep or not enough sleep at all.  Stress awaits your whole day.  You might as well just pull the covers over your head & hide…..or should you?

Granted, daily living with an overscheduled schedule is a daunting task, but you are a smart cookie who has mastered much more complicated problems! You can master this too.  It just takes a little pre-planning & eliminating the earlymorning decision making when your brain is still half asleep.  Oh, and one more thing.  It takes commitment to make the ...
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Our 5 Closet Organization Favorites!


If you walk into your closet each day wishing it was as fabulous as Carrie’s on Sex and the City, it’s time to do something about it.  These 5 little products are your secret weapon to girlfriend envy and wardrobe bliss.

Matching Hangers

This one change will take your closet from chaos to boutique instantly allowing you to focus on your clothes.  Think of your favorite clothing store.  Matching hangers is one of the reasons you relax as soon as you enter their door.  No, matching wire hangers do not count.  Two great non-slip, slim options at The Container Store are:
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5 Tools to Transform Your Garage

The garage might just be the most forgotten space in our homes.  Some garages are fancy with the super cool floor finishes but most are over-stuffed or just over-run with STUFF on the floor.  In Texas the garage is either hot and dirty, dirty, dirty or cold and (still) dirty, dirty, dirty.  However, if you use just the 5 tools I’m going to suggest, you will transform your garage from scary to luxury….or at least a place where you can find what you need.

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Organizing Could Save You $1.8 Million

It’s true….at least for a couple in Lousiana.  They were organizing their home to make it ready for Thanksgiving guests when they came across a forgotten lottery ticket. It was set to expire in 2 weeks.  I’m sure they were thankful for Thanksgiving falling when it did!  

I see this happen a lot.  Maybe not the $1.8 million, but I have found quite a bit of money in different forms during my 9 years of organizingwith clients.  Here are just a few:

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3 Ways Hiring a Professional Organizer Can Save You Money

In these extremely busy times, we are all striving to find ways to declutter and streamline our lives.  This includes continuously improving our households.  The longer we live in a home, the more possessions accumulate.  It is so easy to let things pile up, and the more members in your family the more challenging it can be to keep it all organized.

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Here Comes Summer: It’s Never Too Late to Do Some Spring Organizing

Summer is coming quick! Here it is already May 7th, Mother’s Day is this weekend and there is still some spring organizing to be done. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a magical list of reminders to help you refresh your home and calendar before the summer break starts? Guess what? The list below will help you achieve it!

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15 Minute Challenges: Springify Your Home

Thank goodness winter is behind us and green is starting to show!  It’s my favorite time of the year.  New life is all around, days are longer & everything feels fresh…well maybe.  If your home is feeling heavy, it’s time to Springify it and bring it out of the winter doldrums with these 15 Minute Challenges.

Switch Throws

  1. Prep by getting on comfy clothes
  2. Set Timer
  3. Collect all winter throws
  4. Wash
  5. Fold immediately out of dryer while still warm
  6. Take time to fold throws well, matching corners
  7. A Queen or King sized bed is a great work surface for folding
  8. Store on upper shelves in Linen Closet or other out of the way location
  9. Donate over-loved throws to your local shelter ...
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