3 Ways Hiring a Professional Organizer Can Save You Money

In these extremely busy times, we are all striving to find ways to declutter and streamline our lives.  This includes continuously improving our households. The longer we live in a home, the more possessions accumulate.  It is so easy to let things pile up, and the more members in your family the more challenging it can be to keep it all organized.


If you are busy living life and tending to your family’s needs, you may not have the time or the energy to attack your home’s clutter and disorganization which can lead to procrastination.  The longer the issues are ignored, little problems snowball into bigger problems.  Before you know it, your home is not the sanctuary it once was, and you may decide you need professional help reclaiming it.  As with any major home improvement project, hiring a professional organizer may seem like an investment in the beginning…but when the project is complete and you LOVE your home again, you realize that the investment was worth it.  


A professional organizer can come in and assess your specific issues and map out a plan to help you reach your goals.  They will also teach you new skills to maintain your newly organized space(s).  Once you have completed your project(s), you will also find that there are three ways that your organizer is helping you save money in the long run:


  1. You may no longer need to spend money on additional storage

You may have had a storage unit for many years, but once you have professional help to edit down your possessions to only those you need and love you may find that you no longer need the extra space!  It’s like a huge weight lifted off your shoulders when there is that much less that you need to manage and one less check to write.


  1. You can sell items that you have hardly used

With the rise of free Facebook garage sale groups and services like Poshmark and ThredUp, you will be able to sell items that you decide not to keep.  Designer clothing and accessories that are still in great condition bring especially good money.  Your professional organizer can teach you how to get started with some of these new services.  


  1. You will become “reacquainted” with all that you own, which prevents purchasing items you don’t really need

When you focus on exactly what you have on hand already you will be less likely to overspend and buy things that you really don’t need.  A good example of this is organizing your wardrobe.  Once you work with a professional organizer to sort, edit and organize all of your clothing, you will once again be intimately familiar with your wardrobe.  If you have 5 pairs of black pants, you are less likely to buy more until you actually NEED a new pair.  This applies to any space that you sort, edit and organize…you are less likely to buy unless you actually really need something new.  


Being organized in your home or office is just one reason to hire a Professional Organizer.  Saving money, an investment in your future, is the other.  Wouldn’t you like to be organized AND start saving money today?
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