6 Tricks to Organize Your Wardrobe


Do you drool over every magazine picture & TV show that has a boutique closet?  Do you dream about someone creating a space where you“go shopping” when dressing?  Do you love the feel of a nice department store, how each designer has his/her own boutique? Do you wish your closet looked the same?
That high-end custom look has nothing to do with the cost of the items in those pictures, on the TV or in the store.  It has everything to do with how the space is set-up & maintained.  SO…….what do you need to do?  I’m so glad you asked.



Hang Pants on Top Rod

Hanging your pants on your top rod & your tops on the bottom rod will open up the space because you won’t have shirt sleeves at eye level.  Try it and see if that simple arrangement doesn’t create more light on the shoulders of your tops & more light on your pants making it easier to see colors and see pants.  This will change your life… I promise!



Use Matching Hangers & Containers

Organizing tools that match, eliminatsome visual clutter, allowing you to see your clothes.  Now you’ll be able to look past the mish-mash of different hangers and bins to just see your beautiful clothes.  



Color Code

Hang wardrobe groups by color.  Within each wardrobe group,i.e. shirts, all black shirts will be together followed by grey, blue, blue-green, green, olive, purple, red-purple, fuchsia burgundy, red, pink, salmon, orange, yellow, brown, cream & white.  Now, tackle your handbags, then shoes using the same color coding.  No, this isn’t the rainbow, but I find it works better.  And, I promise you’ll have an Ah Ha! moment where you’ll realize you buy an awful lot of a certain color.
Face all garments in the same direction.   If you stand to the left side of your closet rod, your clothes should face to the left and vice versa.  




You might not have crown jewels, but you do have beautiful accessories that once caught your eye.  Bring back the love. Drape a few pieces artfully across a small dish to accessorize a countertop. Now, finish the layering with a favorite picture. 




As long as you return items back where you found them, maintenance will be a snap. You can enjoy your wardrobe in your own custom-arranged closet.
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