Clutter Control is Out There!

I saw the new Sarah Jessica Parker movie last night, I Don’t Know How She Does It.  It was great, by the way.  There were several messages that ran through the movie. They were typical ones: women should be women, it’s hard living in a man’s world, it’s hard to be a mom and work outside the home, etc.

One theme that struck me, though far less obvious, was underlying through the whole movie.  Use the support around you.  Naturally, I applied it to my passion, Organization.  Just as SJP turned to her best friend to keep herself sane, her assistant when things at the office were out of control, and her nanny, you can enlist support to tackle your clutter.





You many not be so gifted in keeping things organized, but you probably have a friend or family member who is geeky in that way.  Utilize them!  Have them help you get a room or your schedule organized.  Then do something for them that is your specialty, like selling things on ebay or PTA fundraiser ideas.


2.Hire Help


If you would rather shop for a swimsuit when you are pasty white and packing 10 extra pounds, than let someone who knows you see how disorganized you are, then hire a Professional Organizer.  You hire a babysitter to help you spend time with your better half, a stylist to cut & color your hair, and a personal trainer to keep you fit.  Why then would you not hire an Organizational Coach to get you back on track so you don’t miss your hair appointment or picking up your kids?


3.Daily Organizational Tips on Facebook


To get you motivated or simply to get the creative juices flowing, go to Styled & Organized Living Facebook page for my Daily Organizational Tips.  Between the tips and feedback you’ll find the helps you need.  (If I don’t address your specific problem, email me.  I can be your support.)

Now get out there and Conquer that Clutter!  Then you’ll have time to see the movie guilt free.

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