Survey Reveals that “Fall Cleaning” could soon be the New Favorite

Here at Styled & Organized, we strive to bring you the latest news and views from the organizing world.  Last month published a blog article revealing the results of their fall organization habits survey.  The survey found that nearly half of Americans (45%) believe fall is now the best time to get organized.  They want to get prepared for the back-to-school routine.  However, this survey also revealed that after only a couple of weeks people find it challenging to stay organized.

We know that August can be a difficult month.  Along with all of the new back-to-school/back-to-work commitments, families try to prioritize getting their households back in order.  Summer sports equipment and travel accessories need to be cleaned up and stored away.  Summer clothes, bathing suits, and outdoor accessories need to be sorted, edited and organized.  New schedules need to be mapped out.  Getting ready for the new season can be downright overwhelming.

If your family needs some professional help in the area of time management or seasonal home maintenance, give Styled & Organized a call.  We have many ways to help you make a smooth summer-to-fall transition, such as:  setting up family-shared electronic calendars,  creating inviting homework stations (that will make homework feel more like fun), and helping find an off-season home for all of those summer related items that have accumulated throughout the house.  Just contact us via our website or give us a call at 469-360-8696 to schedule a quick consultation.

To read more about the survey, check out their blog article:  Move Over Spring Cleaning: It’s Fall’s Turn to Declutter.

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SpareFoot is the largest marketplace for storage, making it simpler to move and store your stuff. Our website lets you compare the most storage options nationwide and pick the best solution for your needs, whether it’s traditional self-storage or Full-Service Storage. With the most up-to-date information on storage available, SpareFoot makes finding and reserving storage the easiest thing to cross off your to-do list.



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