Happy New Year!

It is a Happy New Year.  The holidays are over, you’re back to work, getting back into your routine, the kids are back in school, you have a bunch of new things from Santa to enjoy and show off and you’ve made your resolutions.

Ugh! Those resolutions!  They are so pesky nagging you all the time to keep them.  Who wants them anyway?!  They just make our lives difficult to enjoy while we are chasing after them.

Wait a minute….I thought we made resolutions to make a change to improve our lives?  But change is so hard.

Try these simple steps to help you keep your resolutions


1. Start Small


If you want to declutter your home, pick one room or even just one small closet to focus on at a time.  Don’t tackle you whole house.  Breaking tasks down into bite sizes makes the job easier & keeps you on track.


2.Tell a Friend


Be sure to let a friend in on your resolutions so they can help keep you motivated & on track. They could check with you once a week to see how you are progressing.


3.Reward Yourself


When you reach a goal no matter how small, find a fun way to reward yourself even if it’s just a cup of tea & 20 minutes of relaxation.


Have you ever made a New Year’s Resolution you kept?  If so, was it worth the effort to make that change?  What are some resolutions on your 2012 list?

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