Homework Routines Save the Day!



How do you get your kids to do their homework?  It’s a question even your parents asked themselves when you had homework to complete. You still have homework even today but we just call it overtime, taking work home or volunteering.  So how do you get yourself motivated to tackle your projects at home?  I bet, if you think about it, you’ll find you follow some type of routine.


A routine prepares your mind for the task ahead of you.  A routine puts you into the right frame of mind for the job.  A routine helps you focus your attention.  It can be as simple as getting something to drink before sitting down to work.


What type of routine can your kids have for doing their homework?  Following these five easy steps, your kids can teach their minds & bodies that it’s time to tackle the homework.


Create Atmosphere: 1. Hang Up 

Hang up anything from school i.e. backpack, clothes, jacket, hat, purse, etc


Create Atmosphere: 2. Put Away  

Put leftover food in the refrigerator & dirty dishes in the dishwasher.  Put dirty clothes in the hamper.


Create Atmosphere: 3. Sign Letters  

Give any notices or letters to your parents for them to read and sign before storing back in your backpack


Prepare Mind: 4. Snack & Break 

This is so very important because it’s really hard to think with a growling stomach.  And, just as we need breaks after long meetings, your kids need a break after school.  Even 15 minutes of running around outside, kicking the soccer ball, shooting hoops or visiting with you over a snack will refresh their brains.


Focus Attention: 5. Complete Homework 

Now they are ready & prepared to complete their homework. Tackle homework focusing on shortest or easiest assignment first.  This help you quickly check items off your list giving you momentum to keep moving.  And because we fill the time we have, it will ensure a lengthy assignment doesn’t take up all the time available for homework.


And your done!  Routines help kids know where to start so they can jump right in.  Taking decisionsout of the process eliminates the humming & hawingabout where to start. There might be humming & hawingbut, it not will be over what to do first.  


What trick do you use to get your kids started on their homework?

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