Keep Hand Tools Handy

Keep Hand Tools Handy

It’s 5 o’clock & your skillet handle is about to fall off.  The new family portrait finally arrived & your friends are on their way over.  You want to move the bookshelf but aren’t sure it will fit the new location.  Enough flowers are blooming in the yard for a bouquet.

The only problem with taking care of any of these is finding the tool you need.  Why is it you can never find your hammer, level, stud finder, nails, screwdriver, tape measure, cutting shears, garden gloves and more? Searching for the tool you need can make a little job huge.  If you keep your hand tools handy, little jobs like these remain little.


1. Peg Board  This is my favorite!  You can cut it to fit your needs & space.  It’s inexpensive.  You can find it anywhere.  The hooks can be moved around in thousands of ways.  And you can paint it for a little fun.


2.Carry Tool Box  A tool box small enough you can carry it to the task at hand but big enough to hold your hand tools. Genius!


3.Garden Tool Caddy   Keep your small garden tools (gloves, shovel, shears) in a carry-able garden tool caddy.


4.Drawer in Your Home Designate a drawer in your kitchen or utility room to organize your hand tools. Drawer organizers keep them all straight so you can find what you need for the job.


Tell us your favorite version to organize your tools on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page

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