Organized Vacation Packing

Organized Vacation Packing

Awwww vacation.  Nothing is better than getting away & leaving everything behind.  But packing can be so stressful!  Pairing down your wardrobe to a few good items is hard.  What if you suddenly get invited to a black tie event?….  You’d go buy something new even at home so let’s look at the realistic.  Packing can be easy & here’s how.

1.Chose Pull out absolute favorite items (not outfits) from closet. These are the ones that always get you compliments or you always throw on to be comfortable.

2.Create Layout pants/skirts/dresses in a row in your “Creation Area”.  Then, mix & match tops with bottoms.  If you’re not sure about an outfit combination, try it on.

3.Edit From your creation area, pick an outfit for each day you will be gone including your travel days.  When in doubt, chose outfits with same colors i.e. black vs brown.  Don’t forget special occasion outfits like a special dinner out or that wedding you will be attending.  Eliminate all extra items from your Creation Area

4.Accessorize  Choose your favorite jewelry pieces, shoes, belts, scarves, etc. Accessorize your outfits.  Remember, accessories are how you can make similar outfits look completely different.  Edit out any extras

5.Emergency Consider an emergency top & bottom piece to include for the unexpected.

All that is left is to move items from your Creation Area to your suitcase.  Do you have any tricks you use to help you choose what to take on vacation?  Share the love & let us know on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook Page.

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