Project Pitfalls

Project Pitfalls

We all have such good intentions when we make a resolution to complete a project or change a habit.  As we set our mind to the task at hand, the voices in our head start talking, yelling & then screaming at us pulling us away to things we’ve been putting off for months.  We end up getting a whole lot done amazingly just not the thing we set out to do.  So how can we stay on the straight & narrow?  How can we overcome our fear of starting a journey to living a better life?  What are the standard excuses & how do we squelch them?


1. I don’t have time.  You are correct. You don’t have time to do the entire project & you won’t change a habit in one sitting, but you can work in bit sized chunks. Break down the goal until you have things you can accomplish in 15, 20 or 30 minutes.  Save work that will take an hour or more for a “free” afternoon.  i.e. Organize your master closet. Small Tasks = sorting or color in shoes only. Big Tasks = sorting by type of garment.


2.It’s soooooo boring! That may very well be so make it a game to beat the 20 minuets you set aside to work on your closet.  Focus more on the task not less.  Letting your mind wander to the book you want to read zaps your energy.  Instead think about how your closet will look like a boutique when you are done.


3.My friend who promised to help is always busy. Ask another friend or find an app.  Yes, there’s an app for everything.  Or you could post your success & photos of success on Facebook.  Now there’s motivation!


4.It’s too beautiful outside/too rainy. I’m too tired/fat/unsure. The job is too BIG! There are a million reasons to procrastinate.  But write down the real reason you can’t get started.  If you don’t know, then just jump in without giving yourself time to think. The hardest part is starting.  If after 5 minutes, you having gotten into a groove, stop & come back later.


5.I’m not seeing results. Take pictures before, during & after so you can track the small changes along the way.  Or if you are changing to healthy habits, write down weight, inch & workout improvements to see changes.  Review weekly as a little pep talk.

Now set your timer & get moving!

What resolutions have you started to accomplish?  Let us know on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page.

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