Stylishly Organized Boutique Wardrobe

Stylishly Organized Boutique Wardrobe

Are you living with a boring builder’s closet?  Is it lacking …seriously lacking?  Do you wish you could do just about anything to make it more custom but don’t have thousands of dollars?  Do you wish you could just stretch it like Stretch Armstrong & make it bigger?

Your wish is granted….with a little effort on your part…..ok, a lot of effort, but I promise it will be worth it.  Just look at the Before & After pictures above to see that even a modestly organized, builder’s closet can become a stylish boutique closet with a few stylish touches.

  1.   MATCHING CONTAINERS    In your organizational tools, you want them all to match or compliment.  Above, the taupe, silk bin was reused & a taupe, woven complimentary bin was added.

  2.   PROPER TOOLS    Its easy to keep the shoe boxes.  Some are even beautiful.  But just look at the difference between department store shoe boxes and clear, acrylic shoe drawers.  You can see the shoes & have easier access…they are drawers.  No more pulling a box from the bottom to have them all topple over.

  3.   THE OTHER HANGER    There are 2 types of “hangers”.  The kind you know & the kind you don’t.  The kind you don’t are called Pliios.  They are actually folding boards that stay in the garment when folded.  That creates the “book binders” shown on the top shelf.  They eliminate messy sweater stacks that always fall over.

  4.   STUFF    Your handbags – very expensive handbags – come home from the store stuffed to maintain their shape while on display.  Why would they not still need to be stuffed once in your wardrobe to maintain their shape?  They do! Stuff them withPurse Shapers or stuffed dust covers.

  5.   ACCESSORIZE    Your closet that is.  Why not use your beautiful handbags, hats, favorite pieces of jewelry or favorite shoes to accessorize your closet making it a space where you feel pampered?

Stylish touches maintain longevity of wear, remind you that you already have an amazing wardrobe & makes it easier to create stylish outfits.  They are just the next step to properly finishing your wardrobe space.  See the full transformation!

I’m here to help you by disclosing my knowledge of how to organize & be prepared for any situation.  I will show you tips & tricks through posts on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page, @StyledOrganized on Twitter & the Styled & Organized Living Pinterest page.  Some posts will be simple tools while others will be ideas to consider.   But all will show you how to gain a little more control over your life through organization because Life is Better Stylishly Organized!

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