Thankful at Thanksgiving

My neighbor’s son in kindergarten told me the other day that he didn’t really like Thanksgiving.  When I probed deeper, I discovered the reason.  The Indians scared him.  You learn a lot around children.

Native Americans are the whole reason for our Thanksgiving.  They took new people in a new place weakened from starvation & disease after a harsh winter under their wing.  Without their kindness and empathy, we would be without this wonderful celebration.

And in return, the Puritans invited them to a wonderful feast celebrating the harvest and friendship.  And that friendship is what sets the American Thanksgiving apart from every other harvest celebrated by other cultures.

So this year a 6 year old has reminded me of my thankfulness for the first American friendship.  Sure I have lots of troubles in my life; mine different from yours but troubles just the same.  But, I have many more reasons to be thankful.

Family, friends, a warm home, a beautiful fire in the fireplace, food, a safe car, an organized home, successes & defeats, hard work, a beautiful fall day, rain, a good nights sleep, fun things I like to do & time to enjoy them, the ballet, animals; they are hilarious, the Rangers going to the World Series a second time, a pleasant stranger, and a God who provides all of these wonderful treats to me.

What are you thankful for today?

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