The Things Adults Have to Do to Play Hooky

My mind keeps wandering to the beautiful, southern California weather I will experience on my summer vacation.  I’ve been counting down the days.  Oh, hold on just a second…those wonderful thoughts are suddenly overshadowed with all of the “to do” items that I should be writing down.   Can you believe all of the things adults have to do to get ready to take some time off these days?  I think to myself, “Wouldn’t it be great if I could just play hooky like Ferris Bueller did when he took his day off!?!”


Wait.  Ferris Bueller wasn’t an adult!  As an adult I can’t play hooky until all of these things are done (and I’m sure all you adults can identify):


  • Book all of the activities we want to do while on our relaxing vacation.
  • Book Charlie (our Dachshund) for his spa week (this one involves calling to reserve a spot, possibly having to take him to vet for more shots, packing his things, figuring out a time to take him there).
  • Visit USPS website to hold our mail (ok, this one is pretty easy… just click here).
  • Ask neighbors to keep an eye on our house.
  • Make sure the kids have sunscreen, snacks, swim gear, etc…. for trip.
  • Do at least 5 loads of laundry (does it ever end) in order to pack our favorite things … at least our 16 year old does her own laundry now!
  • Make sure trash bins are out for pickup (wait…I also have to ask the neighbors to roll bins back up to our house).
  • Make sure all bills are paid.
  • Complete final paperwork and payments for our kids’ upcoming summer camps.
  • Get out all of the luggage (oh sh*!…. one is broken).
  • Download the thousands of photos and videos from end of school events from phone to make room for vacation memory keeping.
  • Send “Congrats” greeting cards to my friends’ kids who are graduating while we are gone.
  • Finish work projects.
  • Be in a good mood (this one depends on finishing this entire list before we leave)!
  • _______________________________________________________
  • _______________________________________________________
  • (Empty lines are for the few more before-we-leave “must do’s” I’m sure I’ll be adding.)


It’s a good thing I have a professional organizer in my corner to help me manage all of life’s bullet lists!  A professional organizer can help YOU make juggling all of the “things” a whole lot easier, too.  Our team at Styled & Organized is at the ready to tackle all of the projects you need to finish before your big vacation.  Wouldn’t it be great to have some “Ferris Bueller Twist and Shout” moments with your family and friends?!
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