Tips & Tricks for Keeping on Track

Tips & Tricks for Keeping on Track

It’s all fine & good to make a game plan to keep you focused on your goals.  Coaches have them on the sideline at your kid’s game.  But how do you keep on the game plan?  What if something blocks your game plan?  Or you trip up your game plan?  Do you use any tools to help you with your game plan?

Having a reset, back-up plan & tools are key.  Think about it.  Coaches definitely have a back-up plan when the game isn’t going well.  They might send in another player or call another play.  And half time is the ultimate reset.  Headsets, trainers on the sidelines and Gatorade are tools of the trade for coaches today.  All 3 of these, reset, back-up plan & tools, help any game plan be a success when they are used.

Let’s say you have a busy day of running errands, shuttling kids, dinner, household stuff & after school activities.  Or it might be networking meeting, meeting, meeting, work on project & after work event.  If this day reads like the movie Groundhog Dayjust hold tight.

GAME PLAN: Scheduling when to tackle each item.  Some tasks are dictated by a specific time i.e. a meeting or kids being at school.  Note those specifically timed tasks first, then fill in with the rest.

TOOL:  Your To Do List to keep you on track either written or an app on your phone.  Also, the very necessary Errand Bag/Tote or Briefcase that holds the items for a meeting, to return, get fixed, drop off, etc.

RESET:  “Me” Time – getting a coffee, a glass of wine at the end of the day or a morning run.

BACK-UP PLAN:  If your game plan gets blocked by errands or meetings taking too long, Move some tasks to another day or Delegate to your spouse or coworker what you missed.

Having a game plan, tools, a back-up plan & reset time helps you fluctuate the balance in your life. Check back each day to see posts on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page, @StyledOrganized on Twitter & the Styled & Organized Living Pinterest page for tools, scheduling, back-up plan & how to reset.

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