Toy Clutter Monster

Toy Clutter Monster

One day you’re delivering your oldest & the next they are starting middle school.  Where did the time go?  As fast as they mature during their childhood is as fast as they outgrow their toys.  If you ask them about each of their prize possessions, they will undoubtedly tell you they do still play with ALL of them.  So how can you edit the Toy Clutter Monster?

The end of the school year is the perfect time to do this editing.  It actually needs to be done several times each year: before holidays & before birthdays as well as the start & end of the school year.  The reason for these times?  You always want to have a distraction before them.  It’s obvious with the holidays & birthdays (new toys are coming) but school start & finish?  With the start of school, you can dangle new school supplies.  With the end of school, you can dangle all the fun activities you have planned for the summer.

Editing is really the easy part to this once you get started.  It gives you one on one time with each child & brings back a lot of good memories when you find forgotten toys.  The hard part….making the time.  My suggestion is picking a weekend morning or afternoon maybe even Friday night.  Once the work is done, head out for some ice cream, movie, pizza or a crazy night of bowling.

It’s a win/win opportunity.  You get the toys whittled down & your kids get some time with you.  Let me know the positives you discovered from editing toys with your kids on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page.

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