The Twelve Days of Holiday Organizing: Managing December Deadlines

Use Technology to help you remember all of those important December Deadlines”

Take the time to set individual reminders on your cell phone.  Here are some examples of deadlines that you may want to set alarms for:
  1. Depending on when you are gathering with family and friends and/or when you need to have packages shipped to out of town to loved ones, set alarms for having your holiday gifts purchased, wrapped and shipped.  Click here for a handy link to the USPS 2016 shipping deadlines for this season.
  2. If you are hosting a holiday party, set alarms for when the invitations should be sent and food should be purchased and prepared.
  3. Set an alarm for preparing your greeting cards, as well as one for shipping them out.
  4. A daily watering reminder would be helpful if you have a real tree.  This will keep it from drying out too fast.
  5. Gather your family together and decide on your top three holiday activities and put them in your family calendar (and set reminders so that you won’t forget).
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