Wardrobe Love Accomplished!

Wardrobe Love Accomplished!

The final & I think most fun step in this whole process is organizing your wardrobe back into it’s home.  There are always several different ways you can organize a space.  Most important is to make the space work for your lifestyle.  But whatever way you organize, be sure to clean the space before putting things back.  It will keep your wardrobe cleaner longer.

Now for the fun part:


1.Evaluate   Unless you decide to have a Professional Organizer design & install a custom closet, you have to work with what the builder gave you.  Take a look at your closet.


a.Do you have a lot of hanging or shelving?


b.Do you prefer to hang or fold your clothes?


c.Are your rods & shelves sturdy & in good working order?


d.Hanging typically takes up the most space in a wardrobe closet.  Therefore, choose your garments you most want to hang.


2.Hang   When hanging garments, following these simple guidelines to give you the most boutique closet possible:


a.Use matching hangers


b.Hang wardrobe groups by color.  Within each wardrobe group i.e. shirts, all black shirts will be together followed by grey shirts, blue shirts, green shirts & so on until you get to white shirts.


c.Face all garments the same direction.  You also want to find the easiest way to look down a clothing rod.  If there is a door at one end of the rod, you might want to face garments away from the door.  You can stand at the opposite end of the rod to view clothes without fighting with the door.


d.Hang pants on top rod & shirts on bottom rod.    This will change your life…I promise.


e.Extra hanging space?  Hang belts, ties, handbags, scarves with accessory hangers made especially for each item.  You could also add “hanging shelves”.  These can be found at most household stores like Target or Walmart.


3.Shelves  Can be used for folded items, baskets of hats, basket of scarves, shoes, etc.  Whatever is not hanging will need to go onto a shelf directly or in a bin on a shelf.


4.Repeat  Repeat the process with each wardrobe group until everything is back into the closet.  If your rods or shelves become too full, have little space in which to move clothes around, see what additional items can be edited out.  Having a boutique closet means clothes aren’t crammed into the space but rather have room to move & breath.

Now all there is to do is enjoy & maintain your new wardrobe.  As long as you put items back where you found them, maintenance will be a snap.

I’m here to help you by disclosing my knowledge of how to organize & be prepared for any situation.  I will show you tips & tricks through posts on the Styled & Organized Living Facebook page, @StyledOrganized on Twitter & the Styled & Organized Living Pinterest page.  Some posts will be simple tools while others will be ideas to consider.   But all will show you how to gain a little more control over your life through organization because Life is Better Organized!

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